Is This Matthew Lesko For Real?

Out of all of the television personalities on the late night infomercials, on the one in the morning commercials and appearing, from time to time, on actual legitimate television, Matthew Lesko is one of the wildest and weirdest. At first glance, you’ll be so taken off guard by his ridiculous suit that you won’t even know what he’s selling. So, what’s up with this guy, is he on the level or what?

Well we’re glad to report that he is, in fact, on the level. If you’re willing to invest some time into looking through his massive, phone book size volumes on government grants, then you are likely to find something you qualify for. Not everyone qualifies for everything in the book, but there are so many different opportunities listed that you’re very likely to find something.

It’s also worth noting that the “character” he plays is very much for real as well. He actually wears that Riddler suit all around town and drives a Lexus completely covered in yellow question marks. So while you might assume that someone who acts that wild must be a square in real life, it’s not the case with Lesko. He’s just as eccentric offscreen as he is when talking about FREE MONEY FROM THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT!

Some have actually accused Lesko of plagiarism. When your job is primarily in researching and compiling information for the use of others, “plagiarism” is an odd accusation. OBVIOUSLY he didn’t create all of the grants being offered by the government. He himself admits that he just copies the info from government information.

But how is that any different from, say, a zoologist who wants to write a book all about hummingbirds, and then goes to the library to collect all of the information that’s already available on the species? Lesko puts all of that info into a smaller, digestible format which takes less time to read than doing the research all on your own.

Whatever criticisms levied at Matthew Lesko and his ridiculous suit, the final verdict was probably best summed up in an episode of the animated series “The Venture Brothers”, when his “villainous” question mark suit was shown to contrast his nature as a “good guy” who “helps people get free cash from the government”, so, you know, he can’t be ALL bad, right? However crazy his infomercials, the information is actually sound.

If you’ve always wondered how on the level the guy really is, check out the free gift they’re giving out at and see what you think about it.

Find more about free government money by heading online. There you will find many tips from Matthew Lesko on how to get some of that cash. Head online and find out more today.