ecoENERGY Retrofit Government Grant Program VerdaTech VerdaTech Energy Management & Consulting’s Energy Expert Blaine Munro taking CTV through a typical energy evaluation for a home. The assessment tests for various different factors that impact the energy efficiency of your home as regulated by Natural Resources Canada for their government grants program.


Video Rating: 0 / 5 – Starting a small business can be very costly, as any entrepreneur knows. Thats why many people start looking for financing options. There are several choices, but if you want to remain in control of your business, you can rule out investors, which leaves you with government small business grants and small business loans. These are two very different options, so well take a closer look at them here. Get started applying for a government small business grant today with http There youll find everything you need, from government grant listings to audio tutorials and sample proposals that will help you win the grants which you apply for.


Video Rating: 4 / 5